How You Can Be A Better Travel Photographer Part 2: The Art and Technology of Modern Photography

Rob Gibbs is an Australian travel photographer, wedding photographer and former police forensics photographer who has been shooting what he sees for 40 years. Last week in Part 1, he discussed buying a camera and using aperture, shutter speed and ISO to shoot better travel photos. This week, we’re going to dive into the art of photography- metering, composition, post-production, and presenting your work.

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How You Can Be A Better Travel Photographer Part 1: What to Buy, What Settings to Use, and When

Photography is a unique blend of science and art. If you are artistic, this will help you to grasp some of the more technical aspects of photography, and if you are a more analytical person, you may need to bone up in the creative areas of subject matter and composition. The word ‘photography’ literally means light drawing. This is extremely important to remember. Think of the image sensor in your camera as a canvas to capture the wondrous things you will encounter in your travels!

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